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Ladywood Constituency
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We have some great support from both local and national businesses. From Multinational food chains to your local corner shop.

Why not find out why these companies support ladywood food bank and see how your company can get involved, reduce waste, and help your local community.

Our local community - see our Visit to Greet Primary School


People Who Support Us

Ladywood Constituency

companies that help ladywood food bankAll food is donated by the general public, schools, church groups, local retailers and some large retailers in and around the Ladywood constituency. We greatly depend upon regular donations to sustain this project.
We encourage schools, colleges, church groups, businesses and voluntary organisations to become involved in fund raising initiatives which will support the foodbank.


In Ladywood alone, 36% are living on working class credits and almost half of adults living in the ward are unemployed.  Sparkbrook, Small Heath and Hodge Hill were also in the top ten of the most deprived wards in the country and have high levels of child poverty.  We aim to asist in tackling this serious problem within our community.

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Why We Need You!

The People We Help

People like youLadywood Foodbank needs your help and support to meet the needs of the people who use this service. This service will not be able to function without assistance from people like you. You will gain great enjoyment and personal satisfaction, from knowing that you are involved in helping people in your local community.

Why don't you come and join us?  We welcome your valuable support in the form of non perishable food items, other important non-food items and monetary donations. Please have a look at our shopping list of items which we require and/or you can safely make a monetary donation via our Paypal account

homeless imageUnfortunately hunger is not just a third world problem.  There are 12 to 13 million or more living below the poverty line in the UK. Everyday people go hungry  because they cannot afford to provide for their basic needs and the needs of their families due to unfortunate personal circumstances which could affect any one of us.

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